Civil and Construction Testing System:
- Seismic Earthquake Simulation Testing Systems
- Hydrostatic Actuators
- High Force and Large Scale Testing Systems
- Civil Structure Component Testing Laboratories
- Direct Shear Testing Systems
- Compression Testing Systems with Continuous and Incremental Loading (for example: Oedometer Tester and Un-Confined Compression Tester)
- Splitting Tensile Testing Packages
- Wire Tensile Testing Packages
- 3 and 4 Point Bending Testing Packages
- Steel Reinforce Bar Tensile Testing Systems
- Combined Swelling and CBR-f Test Devices
- CBR and Compacting Devices ( for example: Proctor Apparatus)
- Permeability Test Equipment
Soil and Geotechnical Testing Systems:
- Advanced Geotechnical Dynamic and Static Testing Machines (CPT, CPTU, SCPT, SCPTU)
- Geotechnical equipment for Laboratory Testing
- Static and Dynamic Material Testing Machines for Soil, Aggregates and Bituminous Materials
- Testing equipment for Geosynthetics
- Upgrading and Modernization of Existing Testing Devices
- All Kinds of Shear Apparatuses(Direct, Ring, Vane Tester, Triaxial, Hollow Cylinder)
- Triaxial Cells and Triaxial Testing Devices with Static, Cyclic and Unsaturated Conditions
- Special Local Transducers such as: Bender Element Systems, Local Pore Water Pressure and Local pore Air Pressure Transducer
- Servo-Hydraulic Load Systems For Advanced Triaxial and Rock Testing with Load Ranges and up to 10000 kN
- General Laboratory equipment